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4 Tall Tales About Women's Health

November 13, 2019 Posted in: Women's Health

Myth: You’re an adult, which means you can’t get acne. 

Fact: Hormone changes during pregnancy and menopause improve acne in some women, but for others they make acne worse. Certain medicines can also trigger breakouts. 

Myth: If a woman wears tight jeans, she’s bound to develop a yeast infection. 

Fact: Although avoiding tight clothing may help prevent yeast infection, the primary cause of the infection is a change in the acidic balance of your vagina. Yeast infection is caused by a fungus called Candida that’s found in small numbers in the vagina. A change in the acidic balance of the vagina can cause an overgrowth of yeast. This balance can be disrupted by many factors, including pregnancy, menstruation, diabetes and some antibiotics.  

Myth: High heels may hurt occasionally, but they don’t pose any health risks.

Fact: High-fashion, high-heeled shoes can cause a heap of problems. Shoes with pointed toes and tall stiletto heels can squeeze toes together and increase pressure, potentially causing calluses, corns and bunions. One study in the Journal of Experimental Biology found that regularly wearing shoes with a 2-inch or higher heel can shorten the calf muscle and create a thicker, stiffer Achilles tendon. That can cause reduce ankle flexibility and pain. 

Myth: I don’t need to take folic acid until I’m pregnant. 

Fact: Folic acid is important both before and during pregnancy. When a woman has enough folic acid in her body before pregnancy and while she carries the baby, she can reduce the risk for serious birth defects. If you are able to get pregnant, you need 400 to 800 mg of folic acid every day – even if you aren’t planning to get pregnant.

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